Happy New Year 2021

From all of us here at Amnico, we wish you the best, a fulfilling and lots of wonderful events for this Happy New Year 2021. We certainly have our good share of wonderful memories from the last year 2020 which we would like to see again in this year with all of you. Yes, 2020 has been incredible in many ways for all of us.

At Amnico, we strongly believe each one of us has a part to play to help shape ourselves and our community at large. In January 2020 last year, we started off same like any other year wishing and planning, carrying over new resolutions with renewed energy in last year. But, as many know, we all saw how a worldwide pandemic forced us to replan, rethink, realign with constantly changing situations at every changing day. We saw a change in lifestyles with a change in how people think about the world around us. We all were confused, wondering how this is going to turn out as every major country started to see the impact of the pandemic on their daily lives. Governments called for action, volunteers helped out the support the increasing burden on our medical systems and even businesses gave rebirth to themselves changing their directions overnight to continue stay afloat under increasing financial strain.

We were fortunate to catch up with the early signs of the pandemic engulfing the physical world slowly but surely. At Amnico, we primarily deal in areas Education, Finance and e-Learning. Majority of these are done “online” with less human contact, these were our pillars supporting our financial health during times when things became increasingly confused with businesses being crippled under pressure of existing demands of less physical contact. We too noticed some quick adjustments needed to shift what was once done face to face into an online type of arrangement, chiefly to avoid physical contact but mainly to avoid interruption of any sort at any rate.

What we’ve learned and experienced is the tendency to look in the past to search for answers is not going to help any more. Instead, we chose to look in the future and use our past as a model to tweak our approach for the new world. There are many unknowns, many “issues” to sort out and certainly it was a slow start. Yet, as all other times, we know that adapting to how we move forward with what is going to stay is far more pragmatic than continuing to wish things could be the way they’ve always been so far.

With this, let’s roll up our sleeves and get ready to make this year 2021 an incredible year for all of us – on your marks, get set, ready!