This leopard photo is called “sexy” for one genuine reason. Because it has a woman in it. Can you spot her?
Unable to spot her? Definitely not Photoshopped.
Tag: you
Think Photoshop – NOT really
Happy New Year 2010
A warm Happy New Year 2010 to all of you !
Happy New Year 2010 to all of you ! —
Amrita, Nicolas
Elena, Shantibhushan -
ID ten T error
I was having trouble with my computer. So I called Richard, the 11-year-old next door whose bedroom looks like Mission Control, and asked him to come over.
Richard clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem.
As he was walking away, I called after him, “So, what was wrong?”
He replied, “It was an ID ten T error.”
I didn’t want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, “An, ID ten T error? What’s that? In case I need to fix it again.”
Richard grinned. “Haven’t you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?”
“No,” I replied.
“Write it down,” he said, “and I think you’ll figure it out.”
So I wrote it down: I D 1 0 T
This sure is one hell of a table
What do you think? Would you like you own one?
Solr replication
1)On solr.master: +Edit scripts.conf: solr_hostname=localhost solr_port=8983 rsyncd_port=18983 +Enable and start rsync: rsyncd-enable; rsyncd-start +Run snapshooter: snapshooter After running this, you should be able to see a new folder named snapshot.* in data/index folder. You can can solrconfig.xml to trigger snapshooter after a commit or optimise. 2) On slave: +Edit scripts.conf: solr_hostname=solr.master solr_port=8986 rsyncd_port=18986 data_dir= webapp_name=solr master_host=localhost master_data_dir=$MASTER_SOLR_HOME/data/ master_status_dir=$MASTER_SOLR_HOME/logs/clients/ +Run snappuller: snappuller -P 18983 +Run snapinstaller: snapinstaller You should setup crontab to run snappuller and snapinstaller periodically.
郵便番号データダウンロード – 日本郵便
Comes handy in case you want to generate lots of sample Japanese data.
Around 120000 rows of postal data, with kanjis, hiragana, katakana present for each address.
Management Pros Share Their Secrets
Remember way back when – when you got your first management job. What do you wish someone had told you then? What would be the one tip you would give to a manager just starting out?
Learn More : Longer videos – YouTube Help
Ouch! And I was on my way to use Youtube as the only video sharing too. Duh! What was I thinking?
Maybe now is the time to start hosting your own videos.
Learn More : Longer videos – YouTube Help.
“You can no longer upload videos longer than ten minutes regardless of what type of account you have. Users who had previously been allowed to upload longer content still retain this ability, so you may occasionally see videos that are longer than ten minutes.”