Tag: ssi

  • Server upgraded to new Ubuntu 9.04 server

    The website is up, and running on a brand new OS – Ubuntu 9.04 Server. Supercool to configure, has pre-configured LAMP, OpenSSH out-of-the-box.
    Using the UFW was too easy than messing with iptables, or routing.
    Feeling great having refreshed up my home server with a mature OS.

  • Stunning Acrobats

    Awesome acrobats… impressive!

  • Undressing?

    WHOOOPS! What did happen?

  • PHP code obfuscation possible?

    Today at my project, I was faced with a simple question from the client – How do you ensure that your PHP code is not tampered?

    Honestly, I had no answer. 🙁

    The only ray of hope I thought was – Since PHP is interpreted, is there some compressing, or obfuscating tool out there that can help me?

    One possible solution I came across was encrypting your logic entirely so as unreadable to humans


    Is this failsafe? Can it be still reverse engineered, and original source obtained to defeat the original purpose of protecting your code?

    Anyone to help out there?

  • Using Apache’s mod_rewrite on Windows

    I recently happened to experiment with Apache’s mod_rewrite, an excellent library to change your machine friendly (or perhaps program friendly?) web urls into user friendly urls.

    The steps to make mod_rewrite to work on Windows is-
    – Edit httpd.conf for Apache, and uncomment the following line
    # LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
    LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

    – Next, under <Directory “{Your document root}“> change
    AllowOverride None
    AllowOverride All

    – Restart Apache

    – Create a sample folder “rewrite” under {Your document root}, with the following files
    {Your document root}

    – What we will attempt now is to have a url like http://localhost/rewrite/details/shantibhushan to be automatically executed as http://localhost/rewrite/details.php?user=shantibhushan

    – Edit your .htaccess file as follows
    <IfModule rewrite_module>
     RewriteEngine on
     RewriteBase /rewrite/
     RewriteRule ^details/(.+)$ details.php?user=$1 [L]

    – The RewriteRule is the actual line where we specify what url is to be mapped to which actual url. ^details/(.+)$ takes a user friendly url /details/shantibhushan and extracts “shantibhushan” as $1. It then replaces $1 into details.php?user=$1 resulting in details.php?user=shantibhushan as the actual url.

    – Edit details.php as follows
    $user= $_REQUEST[‘user’];

    – The above sample simply takes “user” from details.php?user={user} and shows it back.

    – Done! Try accessing http://localhost/rewrite/details/shantibhushan and you should see details.php getting called with parameter as “shantibhushan”

    – Simply accessing details/ results in error, and rewrite rule doesn’t assume such a case. It can be handled by RewriteCond
    – First I wanted to have details:shantibhushan as the url, but this has a bug on Windows not allows : in path. It seems to work fine on non-Windows.
    – The example assumes Apache is running on port 80 on your machine.