Tag: script

  • Nicolas performing You should be dancing tonight

    Hilarious, isn't it?

  • Javascript sprite animations

    Javascript sprites weren’t as difficult as I thought. With a little bit of help, math, some css, js, images (of course) a decent animation can be shown without using any flash at all. I coupled it in a small class Animator, and wrote a small demo for anybody interested in using it.


  • Racking brains – a Javascript string combination generator

    After racking my brains for almost 4 days (yeah I am a slow learner) I finally created a simple Javascript string combination generator

    See the demo http://naiksblog.info/stringcombinations.html

    I tried modeling the logic to how databases combine sets in a cross join. All rows from left side are combined with all rows from right side.

    The script is as below

    	function combine(a, b) {
    		var r= new Array();
    		for(var i= 0, k= 0; i < a.length; i++) {
    			for(var j= 0; j < b.length; j++) {
    				if(-1==a[i].indexOf(b[j])) r[k++]= a[i]+ b[j];

    You can call this as below

    	function permute() {
    		var a= "abcd";
    		var p= new Array();
    		for(var i= 0; i< a.length; i++) p[i]= a.charAt(i);
    		var r= p;	// Input string as-is is first permutation
    		for(var i= 1; i< a.length; i++) r= combine(r, p);	// Get the permutations
    		// r.length - Get the combinations
    		// r contains all combinations as an array

    Some points worth noting

    • If any character is repeated, the combination does not happen successfully since the logic tries to remove same character matching elsewhere
    • The number of combinations increase by factorial of the number of characters, hence it will be a good idea to perform this on server side ideally otherwise javascript will hang for large strings
    • Logic could be optimized to generate combination in a different better way than using crossjoin strategy
  • Javascript Tic Tac Toe

    I created a very simple (but fully working) Tic Tac Toe game to enjoy

    http://www best weight loss diet pills.naiksblog.info/tictactoe.html

  • How to manually uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection client from Windows 2000, XP and 2003, 32-bit Editions

    Much recently to my dismay, I figured out that I cannot remove Symantec’s Endpoint Protection from my own laptop without administrator password. I do not own this password, and I do not want anybody other than me permitting me what to uninstall. Hence I went ahead for manual uninstall according to these instructions (from Symantec’s own site) below-

    How to manually uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection client from Windows 2000, XP and 2003, 32-bit Editions.

    The instructions are crisp and clear. I could manually uninstall following each step of those instructions, but there is one big trouble. The instructions talk to removing over 100’s of registry keys, values which I believe is sheer impossible manually. Why didn’t Symantec simply provide a small tool which has all those instructions bundled in a simple click-n-go fashion?

    I have tried to create a small registry file which can automate the removal of registry entries Uninstall Registry entries for Symantec Endpoint Protection
    For all other manual deletion of files, it would be great to write a small AutoIt script compiled to an exe. Maybe sometime later…

  • Solr replication

    1)On solr.master:
    +Edit scripts.conf:
    +Enable and start rsync:
    rsyncd-enable; rsyncd-start
    +Run snapshooter:
    After running this, you should be able to see a new folder named snapshot.*
    in data/index folder.
    You can can solrconfig.xml to trigger snapshooter after a commit or
    2) On slave:
    +Edit scripts.conf:
    +Run snappuller:
    snappuller -P 18983
    +Run snapinstaller:
    You should setup crontab to run snappuller and snapinstaller periodically.

    Re: Solr replication.

  • Run a job every first Sun of a month

    I came across an interesting cron issue recently. The requirement was to run a job every _first_ Sunday at 12:00PM of each month.

    After searching across various sites, skimming through cron manpages, I finally found the following one-liner

    0 0 1-7 * 0 <user> <job>

    Can you believe this simple solution? The reasoning is that Sun will be between 1 to 7th of each month. Once a Sun comes, the job will execute between 1st and 7th just once. After that any further Sundays will have a date greater than 7, and thus never execute!

    Sometimes, the simplest solution is the most elegant. BTW, I had read about many other complicated solutions, such as having your own logic to determine the day, apple script, bash script solutions. I was about to give up, when I hit the jackpot! 😀