Tag: japan

  • Impolite Japanese

    Got a warning ticket yesterday for parking in a “handicap” zone. (Well, it is convenient to park there, I admit). But look at the ticket content, you’ll be shocked !

    Handicap Parking Ticket

    Here’s how it translates (tried my best, since this is native Japanese and had to look up the dictionary many times)
    This parking place is for [physically handicapped], not [mentally handicapped] person like you. Can make out from a car like yours, a person like you won’t understand. You really think your car is too cool? Aren’t you ashamed to act like a complete idiot? Did you ever see your ugly face in the mirror? Pity you do not understand, thus I noted your car number, model and informed to the nearest police station. Don’t ever park in parking reserved for handicap again !

    Pretty rude and forthcoming for a Japanese, don’t you think?

    I wonder why didn’t this person put his number or contact in case I wish to “consult” to remedy my pitiful situation. No Pity

  • Amrita enjoying in Doho park

    Amrita enjoying in Doho park
    Amrita enjoying in Doho park
  • My first website – nostalgic

    I stumbled yesterday upon my first website I had created. This sure brings back memories on my old desktop PC, and keyboard sitting, and typing away at late nights 😉

    On another note, it does have some useful notes on Chasen (Japanese language morphological analysis tool), Mecab, Using Python with Chasen, Cygwin etc.

  • PHP in UTF-8

    To setup PHP for UTF-8



    ダイナミックコンテンツの文字コードセットは必ず指定しなければならない。(セキュリティ上の理由。詳細は 2000年2月のCERTのXSSアドバイザリを参照)


    マルチバイト文字エンコーディング環境のみでなく、セキュリティ上も有害であるので必ずoffに設定する。ポータブルなスクリプトの場合、この設定 がonである場合にstrip_slashes()を全ての入力に適用するコードをスクリプトの開始時に実行する。稀に magic_quote_gpc=onである事を前提としているアプリケーションもある。そのようなアプリケーションは使わない方が良い。




    ブラウザから送信される文字エンコーディングはcharsetと同じはず。プログラム側では必ず送信された文字 エンコーディングが正当なUTF-8エンコーディングであるか確認する事。






    入力に変換出来ない文字エンコーディングを含む場合、アプリケーションの実行を停止しなければならない。本来、セキュリティ上不正な文字を削除すべ きではないが、古いPHP(PHP 4.4.2, 5.1.2以下)では文字エンコーディングを確認する仕組みが無い。古いPHPで効率的に不正エンコーディングを検出するには文字列の長さの変化で確認す る。*1

    PHP 5.1.3, 4.3.3以降はmb_check_encoding関数を利用してスクリプトを実行の初期段階で不正エンコーディングを検出することが望ましい。

  • Japanese women hate their husbands

    See top searches coming from Google for おっと (husband) in Japanese

    Japanese women hate husbands
    Japanese women hate husbands

    Almost all top suggestions refer to “husband should die”. I wonder what results are returned?

  • Got my bike license – 大型二輪免許を一発合格しました

    Hurray ! I received my bike license today in Japan ! In my first attempt itself ! Wish me congratulations !

    Bike license in Japan
    My bike license in Japan

    Ok some background – I had a bike license from my country. I had not converted it to International License, so I had to opt only for conversion into Japanese license – 外国免許切り替え. I do have a car license obtained in Japan, so I was exempted from written test (which by the way is too difficult, trust me). Instead, I simply had to appear an actual driving test (which is again difficult, mind you). I was required to produce a translated copy of my original license from my country, which can be done in 30 mins in JAF offices. Rest are your passport (both old, new ones), an application form, few stamps which you can buy right there. I live in Tsukuba, so I had to goto Ibaragi License Center, which is situated in Mito. You can go during weekdays, from 09:00AM. Believe me, you better arrive early. There is plenty of crowd, for all sorts of licenses, and usually you have to spend almost whole day there, in case you pass the test and obtain the license. I spent close fo 6 hours today, but in the end I was a happy guy.

    Once they receive your application, they ask you few questions about your original license – How did you obtain it? Where did you practice? What kind of test did you appear for this license? How many cc bike? Learner’s license? etc. Unless there are any problems, you are then handed over a course map, and timings when your test will start. Mind you, the course map is given so that you “memorize” it, period. You are required to drive the exact course map, observing lane rules, traffic signs, signal, right or left indication, speed or slow. The usual advice is that you have some 45 mins in hand before your test starts. Thus, you should actually take the course map in hand, and walk the entire course by foot atleast once. I did that, making a mental note of the lanes, the distance around which I should turn on the indicator, and so on – till I burnt the course map into my brain cells !

    The most difficult are – Ipponbashi, and Slalom – for me. And I did literally walk on foot imagining I was on bike before my test started.

    I believe I was the only one appearing a bike test today – why I was alone sitting in the waiting room till my turn came. The instructor was kind enough to walk me (verbally) through the course map once again. He also gave me a brief about the bike – Honda CB750 – and for my own safety, in case I should fall, had me wear elbow, knee, body protector before the test.

    When the actual test started, the instructor actually sits in a watchtower, from which he had a complete view of the course. Once he gave a go, I just drove the same path I had walked on foot earlier. I was particularly careful about slow down sign, lane change, and making sure that I move my head from left to right wide enough to show that I am taking visual confirmations before proceeding. At one point when making a turn I did step down, but I guess that was OK, because if I’d had done the same on Ipponbashi or Slalom, or even S-letter, or Crank, I am out without any further discussion. Phew, I did feel once the bike will stop during Crank, but I was lucky enough to make it till the final stop.

    In the end, the instructor appraised my driving skills, and gave me the golden word – “合格” !

  • Japanese samurai language

    Japanese language is often interesting, when it comes to dialects. Try out standard Japanese into many other (un)known dialects here.

  • 郵便番号データダウンロード – 日本郵便

    Comes handy in case you want to generate lots of sample Japanese data.

    Around 120000 rows of postal data, with kanjis, hiragana, katakana present for each address.

    郵便番号データダウンロード – 日本郵便.

  • I hate such adverts

    When i see such advertisements, it really infuriates me.

    Are people so “dumb” as to expect this as something new offerred during Golden Week holidays in Japan? In today’s age, is there any ATM closed during holidays? Why then still make such catchy adverts claiming something already people expect, and present it as a beneficial service?

  • Crazy summer in Japan

    Weather in Japan seems to get crazier each day. Though extremely hot & humid, weather signs show confusion what to expect anytime