Tag: hot

  • Outlook export to Thunderbird

    There is no straight (should I say “easy”) way to export Outlook mails to Thunderbird. Using Thunderbird’s import from Outlook did not work since quite a few emails came up as raw HTML, and I had to manually change Automatic encoding detection to OFF, Universal to see the contents each time.
    A sure-shot (well… which took me 99% of the) way was Outlook –> Import into Outlook Express –> Import into Thunderbird. This worked, but with one sad issue – non-English attachment names are not as original. If you can live with that, then this is the surest way to go !

    Few references which helped-
    Import .pst files – MozillaZine KB

  • Colors to your life

    Very often we are impressed with awe when we see a beautiful picture, photo, advert. The colors, their combination presents an alluring view just right for our eyes. If you notice more closer, you can seeing that more often the colors are complemented (red with white, green with blue…) to give a undistracted overall look. This is essentially because our eyes find this visually pleasant.

    I have a tool which can offer such combinations, and you should design your color combinations using the suggested patterns

    http://9i9.me/colors/index.html/ – For visually stunning color combinations

    Keep working!

  • Funny family photo

    Cannot explain how much we enjoyed shooting this photo !
    Funny family photo 2010
    See the larger photo.

  • Think Photoshop – NOT really

    This leopard photo is called “sexy” for one genuine reason. Because it has a woman in it. Can you spot her?
    Sexy leopard
    Unable to spot her? Definitely not Photoshopped.

  • A quick group photo at office

    Sharing a photo taken on the last day of our stay in Pune. This was taken at my office, with a few members from translation team, while some from my project team.
    Photo at office
    From top-row-left – Mai-san, Ashwini, Amruta, Prafulla,

    Rujuta, and then us !

  • India Trip 2009 – Photos

    Some photos from our recent stay in India.

    Will be sharing a few videos as well !

  • Solr replication

    1)On solr.master:
    +Edit scripts.conf:
    +Enable and start rsync:
    rsyncd-enable; rsyncd-start
    +Run snapshooter:
    After running this, you should be able to see a new folder named snapshot.*
    in data/index folder.
    You can can solrconfig.xml to trigger snapshooter after a commit or
    2) On slave:
    +Edit scripts.conf:
    +Run snappuller:
    snappuller -P 18983
    +Run snapinstaller:
    You should setup crontab to run snappuller and snapinstaller periodically.

    Re: Solr replication.

  • FOUND!!!

    Shevati mala have hote te milale!

    Mazha lahaan pani radio war aikaycho.

  • A refreshing trip to Navel Park

    A hot, sunny day – what could you do best? Rest indoors, or have fun outside in the park, right? Right. 🙂
    Our trip to Navel Park was definitely worth shot on this day! Don’t believe me? Well… look for yourself –
    Navel Park Navel Park Navel Park

    Navel Park Navel Park Navel Park

    Navel Park Navel Park Navel Park

    Navel Park Navel Park Navel Park
    Navel Park Navel Park Navel Park

    Navel Park Navel Park Navel Park

    Navel Park Navel Park Navel Park

    Navel Park Navel Park Navel Park
    Navel Park
    Wasn’t it real fun?