Whew, this person has some really serious parking skills. I wonder how can the car get out now ???
Tag: car
Extreme parking skills
Impolite Japanese
Got a warning ticket yesterday for parking in a “handicap” zone. (Well, it is convenient to park there, I admit). But look at the ticket content, you’ll be shocked !
Here’s how it translates (tried my best, since this is native Japanese and had to look up the dictionary many times)
This parking place is for [physically handicapped], not [mentally handicapped] person like you. Can make out from a car like yours, a person like you won’t understand. You really think your car is too cool? Aren’t you ashamed to act like a complete idiot? Did you ever see your ugly face in the mirror? Pity you do not understand, thus I noted your car number, model and informed to the nearest police station. Don’t ever park in parking reserved for handicap again !Pretty rude and forthcoming for a Japanese, don’t you think?
I wonder why didn’t this person put his number or contact in case I wish to “consult” to remedy my pitiful situation.
What do you see?
It’s not just an old woman, or a man… if you look carefully.
Pickup problem
Who needs a pickup now?
Hello world!
Hi All! Finally, I managed to get up my own website running from my home server! Phew, it was a bit tedious setting it up with Web Caster 110, over NTT B’Flets 100 Mbps internet connection. The steps were well documented, and even a search over Internet proved the fact that nothing else needs to be set. However, my webserver was not working!
Ok, I try to slow down before scaring you with all nitty-gritty (?) details about my home server setup.
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