Not busy

These days I think alot about my startup. Whenever I meet out new people for lunch, or I talk to friends my thoughts seem to be gravitating towards – “What could I use this person for?”

Somehow I have elected to follow my instinct exclusively. To some, this might sound the hard way. For some reason, it feels right. At times, I wonder if I could simply read an entrepreneurship book, and get some frame of mind to link my thoughts. What is important? What is priority? What is experience? I have kept pondering on these for quite a while.

I must admit it is liberating. There is some thrill into thinking like an entrepreneur. Perhaps, a recent email from GoDaddy CEO Blake Irving aptly describes what I feel now –

“One of the clearest lessons we’ve learned is that the one word to describe you best is ‘courageous.’ You go after what you really love, you chart your own course, and you create something (often from nothing) that usually makes the world a better place. Whether it’s a neighborhood pizza shop, an organization to help those in need, or a company poised to launch a new industry, you believe where others don’t. You have the guts to strike out on your own to make your dreams — however bold or humble — a reality. That’s courage, and it’s worth every ounce of support we can give.”


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