I often felt the need to have control of my own repository, as opposed to using any public ones (whether free, or not). So I decided to spend some time, and have my own subversion repository, that I launched here.
https://www.naiksblog.info:4434/csvn/login/auth – Administration Console
https://www.naiksblog.info:18080/svn/ – SVN repository for clients (sorry, only authorized users – only me for time being 😉
The setup, configuration was a no-brainer using CollabNet’s Subversion Edge. It really does a splendid job of getting you up, and running with a professional subversion system in no time. Moreover, https was real easy to get started too; so no more worries about encryption over Internet, and peace of mind to focus on more important things.
Maybe I’ll spend some time setting up trac as well, that will give me a basic environment to continue, host, and maintain my personal projects here onwards.