iPhone 3G/3GS SIM Unlock Guaranteed

I unlocked my iPhone 3G to use in India using below simple steps


  • Backup all contents of your iPhone
  • Ensure you have a wireless internet access point available (this is required while unlocking). Either create an adhoc WiFi network or do these steps where you have an accessible WiFi connection.
  • Download <a title="iPhone1,2_4 visit this web-site.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipsw” href=”http://appldnld.apple.com/iPhone4/061-9853.20101122.Vfgt5/iPhone1,2_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipsw” target=”_blank”>iPhone 4.2.1 firmware file
  • Download iPad 3.2.2 firmware file

Steps to unlock iPhone 3G/3GS SIM-

  1. Connect your iPhone to iTunes, and click Shift+”Restore” button. This will prompt you to choose location of downloaded IPSW (Firmware) file.
    This will erase everything from your iPhone, and initialize it to factory settings (hence backup everything before you do this!) 

  2. Once iPhone is restored to iOS 4.2.1 in about 10-15 mins, download redsn0w rc12 (Alternate location) which is the tool we are going to use. Keep redsn0w.exe, iPhone 4.2.1 IPSW, iPad 3.2.2 IPSW files in same folder.
  3. Start redsn0w, and follow the steps (pretty much redsn0w screens are self-explanatory)
    1. Choose iPhone 4.2.1 IPSW file, redsn0w will verify and prepare contents for jailbreaking iPhone
    2. Choose “Install Cydia” (required for unlocking SIM), and “Install iPad baseband files” (required for SIM to detect your carrier) option. Other options can be selected/unselected as per your needs
    3. Shutdown your iPhone as next screen says, keep it connected to PC. And before hitting “Next” button, keep your finger on the iPhone power button ready to press, and hit “Next”
    4. Press iPhone Power button, after  3 seconds press iPhone Home button, keep both Power & Home button pressed for about 10 seconds, and then let go of Power button, keeping Home button pressed for another 5 seconds.The redsn0w screen guides you these steps, but since these are time-critical you need to keep both hands free to ensure that iPhone enters into so-called DFU (Device Firmware Update) mode, you should see your PC detecting new iPhone (DFU) mode while you perform these steps, and redsn0w should automatically move to next screen.

      In case you fail in above steps, redsn0w does not proceed. No worries, you can start from Step 1 again restoring iOS 4.2.1 via iTunes (hence it is better to download the IPSW files ahead for reuse)

    5. You need to keep connected to Internet since redsn0w uses Internet for accessing few files, before it jailbreaks, and boots your iPhone to custom iOS.
  4. Once done, rest of the steps are directly on iPhone, so when redsn0w says “Done” you can safely remove iPhone from your PC.
  5. After iPhone home screen appears, conntect to a WiFi network, and ensure you are connected to Internet (try using Safari)
  6. Lauch Cydia, and choose “Manage Sources” and choose repo666 at the bottom of the list. Adding this repository will show ultrasn0w packakge which you need to Install. Because Cydia does all of this over the Internet, you need WiFi.
    After ultrasn0w is installed, you no longer need WiFi, either disconnect it or keep it as per your needs.
  7. Once ultrasn0w is installed, shutdown iPhone, and put your new SIM
  8. Start iPhone, and within few seconds you should see your new carrier in your country, and be able to use iPhone!

These steps are used by millions over Internet who wanted to unlock their iPhones and use them in whichever country they go. I hope you use them and leave a short note on how your experience was. I am using my iPhone without any problems, and am very happy!


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