Google has a very deep relationship with us. There isn’t a single day going by for anyone unless they use the Internet. Most of it is browsing, but majority is discovered through search. Google has indeed nailed this aspect down, and they continue to maintain the ease of search outstandingly.
In many ways I can compare Google to a big departmental store. Actually much more like an avenue for multiple departmental stores. People come in, some looking for one thing in particular or some just looking around if something interesting catches their eye. Some people ask too for anything they came in specifically, and the only job of the sales person is to guide to the section where one can find it.
Searching is something at the core of our habits. If searching becomes so easy, we hardly need to remember or maintain a list ourselves. In some ways this allows disorganization trickle along the way, but a mastery over search easily dismisses that concern. Yes, I do use search savvily, even to a point of intentionally searching whether I know where to find something. This has very much worked for me, and although I am a well-organized person, search has always made my organization more appealing and fun to use.
Obviously I’ve broken the topic around comparing Google with departmental stores, suddenly into searching disorientation. But in many ways I think the message is simple – searching a needle in a haystack seems no longer valid whether it’s that particular coffee brand I’m looking for, or that file I am sure I downloaded but cannot for the hell remember where it was.
Just ask for it.
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