My desktop, a Dell Dimension 5150c, purchased about 3-4 years ago, was annoyingly noisy for a while. Last time when I changed the PSU, I thought the annoyance would go away. But it didn’t. The CPU fan, San Ace 80, was the main culprit. At sometimes (which was almost everytime) it used to power the CPU fan so loud, that to listen to music or watch a video, we had to pump up the volume to almost twice than usually should be.
Today I took up in my mind to replace it, and switched to a Kama-Flex.
Superbly quiet, about 2500 rpm, and cooling efficiency nothing comparable to the older one.
Was worth the try!
Category: Uncategorized
Dell 5150c not noisy any longer
Shevati mala have hote te milale! lahaan pani radio war aikaycho.
SSH attacks
Phew, got a LOT of ssh brute-force attacks here. Have setup sshfilter. Let’s see how many does that keep out!
I hate such adverts
When i see such advertisements, it really infuriates me.
Are people so “dumb” as to expect this as something new offerred during Golden Week holidays in Japan? In today’s age, is there any ATM closed during holidays? Why then still make such catchy adverts claiming something already people expect, and present it as a beneficial service?
Hello world!
Hi All! Finally, I managed to get up my own website running from my home server! Phew, it was a bit tedious setting it up with Web Caster 110, over NTT B’Flets 100 Mbps internet connection. The steps were well documented, and even a search over Internet proved the fact that nothing else needs to be set. However, my webserver was not working!
Ok, I try to slow down before scaring you with all nitty-gritty (?) details about my home server setup.
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