Category: Fun

  • False positive demystified

    It happens sometimes when your colleagues come from a non-English language talking in a common language such as English, there are phrases which don’t readily convey what you want to say.

    The other day, when a friend of mine used “It’s a false positive” so suggest something, the other colleague gave a puzzled expression “What’s a false positive?”. Up until that point, I must admit neither did I have a clear understanding, but looking at the two words – false, positive – I could muster up an intuitive explanation on the spot.

    But back in my mind, I wasn’t really sure if I did explain the meaning simply using the dictionary definitions of those two words apart. I mean, it isn’t hard. But it was one of those phrases that you want to know more about with some level of confidence & clarity. Maybe it’s just me.

    The other day, when working with some study materials for a course about machine learning, I came across a brilliant piece of explanation that finally answered the meaning of “false positive” in one fell swoop. Take a look at this table below

    Actual = CorrectActual = Incorrect
    Prediction = CorrectTrue positiveFalse positive
    Prediction = IncorrectFalse negativeTrue negative

    Does it make sense? Absolutely yes – but I’ll explain if it doesn’t.

    The prediction is a machine learning result saying something is correct or incorrect (in my example the problem the machine learning is trying to solve/predict is if a patient has cancer or not looking at the size of the tumor & patient’s age). The actual is what you know – based on evidence or tests done beforehand proving that the patient did indeed have cancer or not. Lining up correct/incorrect with what the prediction says against what actually is makes the understanding about “false positive” much more clearer to me now.

    So, if you thought something was correct but it actually isn’t then it’s a false positive.

    The other way round, if you thought something was incorrect but it turned out to be correct then it’s a false negative.

    Makes much more sense now.

  • 2013 was a great year

    I wish 2013 has been a great year for everyone. It was an important year for me after all.

    As a final accomplishment for this year, I just launched a fun chat service called hi5 on

    5w1h gives you a single place to chat with all of your friends on different networks, most of whom you can only talk when you sign in to that particular network, say Outlook or Google. 5w1h is fun service created to add a twist of fun, a dash of simplicity, and a mix of colors to your chats. It was designed to work with all popular social networks and makes it easily possible to chat with your contacts across your networks from a single place.

    Thanks to my wife Elena, my kids Amrita, Nicolas for putting up with alot of patience towards my long days, late nights working on this.

    I wish everyone a very happy new year 2014 with alot of energy, happiness, and luck!

  • Christmas 2013 performance at 聖母幼稚園 (Seibo youchien)

    Nicolas, Amrita, Elena performing at 聖母幼稚園 (Seibo youchien) Christmas 2013 gathering. Nicolas’s performance was very impressive, Amrita enjoyed being on-stage, and Elena was delighted to join her mother’s club live.

    Merry Christmas 2013 to all!

  • Unforgettable moment – 12/12/2012 12:12:12

    This just happened! Never planned, or imagined. We casually go out for lunch, Alta (front left) brings up his iPhone and we all are poised to capture a time that is never going to repeat ever again!

    Guess when will you get another chance at this? Alta, myself, and John in this unforgettable moment.

    Memorable Moment

  • All is not lost yet

    First it was supposed to be Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, now it seems to be Google’s Chrome browser.

    All is not lost yet

    Such apologies should carry a warning sign about what you’re supposed to get into.

  • Upgrade treadmill

    With everything becoming easier to market over Internet, it appears big names – Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook – want to offer us more. And more. And more.

    Trouble is, how much can we have? The old-school law of diminishing marginal utility is apparent to everything new that comes out there.

    The iPhone was a very aggressive push for me. It came all around me, everywhere I went, whomever I met. So much that I bought myself my first Apple product – iPhone 4S after a long deliberation. Yes, I took my time trying to really make myself switch over from my 5 yr old Windows phone. I frankly admit, I love it.

    But I also frankly admit that making my iPhone 4S look ‘older’ with sudden, aggressive upgrades isn’t making me happier either. In fact, slowly I might get a resentment if I feel left behind.

  • How I see Google

    Google has a very deep relationship with us. There isn’t a single day going by for anyone unless they use the Internet. Most of it is browsing, but majority is discovered through search. Google has indeed nailed this aspect down, and they continue to maintain the ease of search outstandingly.

    In many ways I can compare Google to a big departmental store. Actually much more like an avenue for multiple departmental stores. People come in, some looking for one thing in particular or some just looking around if something interesting catches their eye. Some people ask too for anything they came in specifically, and the only job of the sales person is to guide to the section where one can find it.

    Searching is something at the core of our habits. If searching becomes so easy, we hardly need to remember or maintain a list ourselves. In some ways this allows disorganization trickle along the way, but a mastery over search easily dismisses that concern. Yes, I do use search savvily, even to a point of intentionally searching whether I know where to find something. This has very much worked for me, and although I am a well-organized person,  search has always made my organization more appealing and fun to use.

    Obviously I’ve broken the topic around comparing Google with departmental stores, suddenly into searching disorientation. But in many ways I think the message is simple – searching a needle in a haystack seems no longer valid whether it’s that particular coffee brand I’m looking for, or that file I am sure I downloaded but cannot for the hell remember where it was.

    Just ask for it.

  • Jazzersice Performance by Amrita, Nicolas at Lala Garden, Tsukuba on Mother’s Day

    Mother’s Day, May 13th was a celebration in Lala Garden, Tsukuba. The junior jazzersice group had a dance performance where Amrita, and Nicolas gave the public a short sweet performance on music.

  • Gaarwa for drunken masters

    A parody on original Gaarwa by Milind Ingale. Especially for all drunken masters out there.


    दारू जरा कमी पडतेय, दर वेळी वाटतं,
    रिकाम्या पेल्याच्या भीतीचं, आभाळ मनात दाटतं,
    तरी पावले चालत रहातात, मन चालत नाही
    व्हिस्कीशिवाय शरीरामधे कुणीच बोलत नाही..
    तितक्यात कुठून एक मित्र बाटली घेऊन येतो
    तितक्यात कुठून एक मित्र बाटली घेऊन येतो
    चकण्यातला काही भाग घशाखाली घालतो
    दुसरा मित्र उनाड मुलासारखा सैरा वैरा पळत रहातो
    पाना फुला झाडांवरती छपरावरती चढून पहातो
    दुपार टळून संध्याकाळचा सुरू होतो पुन्हा पेग
    पेग मागून चालत येते गार गार बीअरची वेळ
    चक्क डोळ्यासमोर कोणी एक उलटी करून येतो
    गांधी जयंतीला ग्लास मध्ये कोण दारवा भरतो

    वार्‍यावर भिरभिरभिर बेवडा नवा नवा
    प्रियेsssssssss दारूतही गोडवा नवा नवा
    खोलीत सारे झुलतायत कधीचे
    खोलीत सारे झुलतायत कधीचे
    वोडक्यात सोडा ओततायत कधीचे
    वोडक्यात सोडा ओततायत कधीचे
    सोडा नको अता चला नीटच मारा भरा भरा
    प्रियेsssssssssss मनातही ग्लास हा भरा भरा

    आकाश सारे हलते का रे, आता सुगंधी झालेत वारे..
    आकाश सारे हलते का रे, आता सुगंधी झालेत वारे..
    पेलाभर भरभर रम भर पामरा जरा जरा
    प्रियेsssssssssss बर्फातही गारवा जरा जरा

    वार्‍यावर भिरभिरभिर बेवडा नवा नवा
    प्रियेsssssssss दारूतही गोडवा नवा नवा

    दारू जरा कमी पडतेय, दर वेळी वाटतं,
    रिकाम्या पेल्याच्या भीतीचं, आभाळ मनात दाटतं,
    तरी पावले चालत रहातात, मन चालत नाही
    व्हिस्कीशिवाय शरीरामधे कुणीच बोलत नाही..
    तितक्यात कुठून एक मित्र बाटली घेऊन येतो
    तितक्यात कुठून एक मित्र बाटली घेऊन येतो
    चकण्यातला काही भाग घशाखाली घालतो
    दुसरा मित्र उनाड मुलासारखा सैरा वैरा पळत रहातो
    पाना फुला झाडांवरती छपरावरती चढून पहातो
    दुपार टळून संध्याकाळचा सुरू होतो पुन्हा पेग
    पेग मागून चालत येते गार गार बीअरची वेळ
    चक्क डोळ्यासमोर कोणी एक उलटी करून येतो
    गांधी जयंतीला ग्लास मध्ये कोण दारवा भरतो

    वार्‍यावर भिरभिरभिर बेवडा नवा नवा
    प्रियेsssssssss दारूतही गोडवा नवा नवा

    खोलीत सारे झुलतायत कधीचे
    खोलीत सारे झुलतायत कधीचे
    वोडक्यात सोडा ओततायत कधीचे
    वोडक्यात सोडा ओततायत कधीचे
    सोडा नको अता चला नीटच मारा भरा भरा
    प्रियेsssssssssss मनातही ग्लास हा भरा भरा

    आकाश सारे हलते का रे, आता सुगंधी झालेत वारे..
    आकाश सारे हलते का रे, आता सुगंधी झालेत वारे..
    पेलाभर भरभर रम भर पामरा जरा जरा
    प्रियेsssssssssss बर्फातही गारवा जरा जरा

    वार्‍यावर भिरभिरभिर बेवडा नवा नवा
    प्रियेsssssssss दारूतही गोडवा नवा नवा
